
The chef behind the scenes: Madeline Park

Cooking to me is like therapy. I started cooking as a nostalgic attempt to recreate dishes I missed in NYC, and then I got hooked when I realized how cathartic it was to bring ingredients together to create something completely new, completely edible (which, eventually went from edible to delicious!). Then, met with my long time hobby of videography, Cafe Maddy turned into a magnificent creative outlet for me that changed my life.”

Maddy is a creative imperfectionist. She’s mostly happy with how her cooking turns out and will lick down her own plate of pasta. she’s also diligently lazy—always trying to figure out how to cook things more easily, and enjoyably. On a more serious note, her vision is to cultivate a calm and uplifting space in social media for people to enjoy, relax, and be inspired. she tries to focus less on drawing attention, but more on giving- giving inspiration, peace, and telling stories.